SAS Publishing

About Scott Shannon

Unveiling Scott Shannon's Creative Journey

Scott Shannon was a professional actor from the age of sixteen. He was acting in a show in New York in 1968 and was introduced to the world fampus composer Aaron Copland. They became close friends and Mr. Copland mentored him and taught him a great deal about composing.

In the years that followed Scott wrote a great deal of music in a variety of genres. He shared it with friends but not the public. In 2000 he got a contract with a distributor to release his music to the world.

What you see on this site today is his music in eleven genres. You also get a discount on the prices. Amazon and Apple sell his music for $9.95 per album. But if you buy from this site you will only pay $7.00.

Scott created sas-publishing in 2001 to assist writers and musicians getting their books and music published. If you have something that you want to show to the world then drop me an email and we’ll discuss it. 

My email is [email protected].

Why Choose Us

Live Life in Full Music Harmony


Unparalleled Expertise

Benefit from over five decades of Scott Shannon’s expertise in the world of music and publishing. With a rich history as a professional actor, composer, and publisher, Shannon offers unparalleled insight and guidance to help musicians and writers navigate their creative journeys with confidence.


Diverse Creative Portfolio

Explore a diverse portfolio of music and literature curated by Scott Shannon. With eleven genres of music and a growing collection of books, Shannon’s offerings cater to a wide range of artistic tastes and preferences, ensuring that there’s something for everyone to enjoy and explore.


Personalized Support and Guidance

Receive personalized support and guidance from Scott Shannon himself. Whether you’re a musician seeking to release your latest album or an aspiring author looking to publish your debut novel, Shannon offers one-on-one assistance and mentorship to help you achieve your creative goals with ease.

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